This time the capacitor and MORE FREON. : ( I'd actually scheduled to have the leaky coils replaced the end of June right after the last A/C emergency , but had to cancel when Mom went in the hospital then died a few days later. I just couldn't handle it then. I was rather hoping the freon would last the summer and I could consider the cost of repair vs. replacement under less stressful circumstances.Who knew we'd be having our second hottest summer on record? It was a record high of 107 both yesterday and today, and record high overnight lows of 85. I HATE SUMMER!
I got home from night at Dad's in time to tidy and vacuum but just as I started to shower, the A/C repairman came a knock-knock-knocking at my door without calling first. WHERE'S MY BRA??? Everything done in 10 or 15 minutes max. When I took out my checkbook figuring at least ANOTHER $200, he told me the owner had said not to ticket me. Huh? Ok, no service charge since they'd been out twice already, that's really nice since it'd been over 30 days, but how much are the other items? No. He'd been told to give the
a blank ticket to the owner. When I realized what he meant, I immediately started sobbing. Then blubbered a couple of moments, then couldn't even sign my name to a blank ticket. Historical note: My sister dated the owner back in high school in the 1960's. He was a sweetie then and still is today. I'll call Monday to say a heartfelt thank you, ask to be billed SOMETHING, then discuss what the heck to do now since new A/C units are NOT in my budget.
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Mom circa 1954 - Vogue-magazine style |
Called Dad to tell him what the verdict was and that I would be back later AFTER I had shower and bath, then settled in to read a book for a while and eventually went back over to move the load of clothes I'd washed last night to the dryer. Dad wanted to show me a picture on the computer. It was of Mom - one of his favorites. Thereafter, followed a couple of hours looking at photos he'd uploaded to the computer - mostly of Mom throughout the years, but of some others as well. The important thing was that we were talking about Mom. We've never really just sat down and just talked about Mom at length since she died. I'm sure each of us was trying not to upset the other, but we should have sooner. Every now and then one of us would tear up, but all in all it was a good thing - just remembering Mom.
Not Dad's favorite, but I don't remember even seeing this one before. Yep, me in the background.. Mom was beautiful and always looked 10 or 20 years younger than her actual years.
very sweet picture xx
I'd have howled too, what a nice thought. Love the picture of your mum (and you in the background),
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