Charity Designs
- Craft Designs 4 You - Child and Baby Memory Samplers
- Ellen Maurer-Stroh
- Artecy - Autism Awareness and green Donor Ribbons
Breast Cancer Freebies:
- Awareness Hot Air Balloon - McMahon Five Designs; other designs for cards at only $1, proceeds donated to charity; also BCA blinkies
- Athletic Women - from Annie Bebop's Coloring Book - designs of athletic women with small ribbon
- Awareness Pin - beaded
- Be Aware Biscornu - by Juggy Bug Designs (404 error on 7-15-2012)
- Blackwork Awareness Square - by Kristine Herber of Dragonfly Stitches
- Blackwork Awareness Squares - 2 more by Kristine Herber of Dragonfly Stitches
- Brush Stroke Butterfly - from Loretta Oliver at Stitching the Night Away - pdf comes with other for sale charts and advertising info - very popular and often stitched in one overdye
- Butterfly of Hope - from the Embroidery Library - machine embroidery
- Butterfly Wings - by Brooke Nolan - Brooke's Books
- C is for Cure - by Lizzie Kate from Just Cross Stitch
- Cardinals for a Cure - Blue Ribbon Designs, could use as Christmas theme
- Christmas Tree with Pink Ribbons - by Terri Patillo - aka Bronzemom
- Count Your Blessings - by Terri Patillo - aka Bronzemom; most of the square - choose own colors
- Cup of Never Ending Hope - by VeeandCo
- Distance Queen Pink Crown - from Stitch Pink
- Bird of Hope - from DMC Stitch Pink; beautiful pink bird with inspiring verse
- Feel Your Boobies - by Miss Stitchy
- Guardian Angel - by Lois Winston for Kreinik - see the other angel freebie charts
- Hope Bookmark - Dragonfly Stitches - scroll down right click and save image
- Hope, Love, Cure, Heal - by Cosmic Handmade (October)
- Join the Fight - "Life is Worth Fighting For" - a Precious Moments design by Gloria & Pat
- Pink Flower - by DMC - beautiful
- Pink is an Attitude - by Robin
- Pink Needleswatch - by Dutch Treat Designs
- Praying for a Cure Pocket - by Victoria Sampler
- Relentless for a Cure - scroll to bottom of page for hearts that can be modified with your friend's name
- Ribbon - Sharon's Needlearts -an old Geocities site that is still available - scroll down for additional freebie links & Designers
- Ribbon - Crazy4Crafts - also click on link below for additional charts
- Ribbon (large) - from Artecy Cross Stitch
- Ribbon (smaller) - from Artecy Cross Stitch
- Ribbons and Hearts - Cyberstitchers
- Ribbon "Courage/Hope" - Cyperstitchers
- Ribbon Mandala - by Ink Circles
- Ribbon on "Stained Glass" background - by PDQ Patterns
- Ribbon with Heart - Bev's Country Cottage
- Ribbon with Roses - Charity Chart by Ellen Maurer-Stroh - free to Join Cross Stitch Forum - scroll down and click on picture
- Ribbon Square or Biscornu - by Romy in Austria
- Stitch A Painting - if you download, please vote for their site
- Strawberry Tea Campaign - (the UK's breast cancer care campaign) with small charts
- Strawberry Tea Pot - Cross Stitching.com
- Ted E. Bear - with Pink Bow Tie by Gloria & Pat - also for Operation Teddy Bear
- Think Pink - Kristine Herber plus 2nd complimentary design
- VeeandCo - Virginia Knutson's Complimentary Designs - see long list in right column for .pdf charts
- We Care / Faith Hope Peace - Blackberry Lane Designs
- What Cancer Cannot Do - A wonderful, uplifting poem - from Gloria & Pat click also for free ribbon chart
- Witch for a Cure - Witchy Woman
- Always Remember - by My Big Toe Designs - scroll through Pattern List to find
- Awareness Ribbons & Others - from the Embroidery Library - Machine embroidery designs as well as a couple of lace (tatted?) items
- Bloom of Hope - Julie's X-Stitch
- Brighter Tomorrows - by Imaginating
- #### Cancer - from Subversive Cross Stitch - if you aren't familiar with the designer, be forewarned
- Butterfly with Ribbon - original chart on Esty
- Elegant Stitch - several charts by various designers - availability uncertain
- Faith & Hope - by Imaginating
- Hope - by Ozark Sampler; chart or kit (3/2013 - link does not work)
- Peace, Love & a Cure - by Lizzie Kate
- Penguin with ribbon - original chart on Esty
- Prairie Schooler - Small Breast Cancer Minicard - profits to charity
- Primitive Doll holding Ribbon - from Moonlight Inspirations
- Various Charts by Various Designers - from 123 Stitch; charts also available from your favorite shops