A Kiss for the Newlyweds:

The Sun Sets on Cue:

The Moon Approves:

Mom and Radiant Daughter:

First Dance as a Married Couple:

Embroidery on the Wedding Dress: I was asked to embroider highlights on the wedding dress, which made me rather nervous. I got the dress only 2 weeks ahead of the time she needed it back. Once in hand I had to figure out what to do and where. After a few days I started with the design on the lower right of the skirt (so any rethinks wouldn't be as obvious) and began to satin stitch, but quickly decided to limit that because of the strong color and the detail. I used outline/stem stitch around the rest of the design. For the design on the shoulder, I decided not to compete with her lovely face and only to outline most of it. Because the dress was lined I had to carefully avoid catching lining by passing needle between the layers as I stitched. Took a LOT longer than it looks! The design on groom's pocket is the lower portion of gerbera daisy petals, which I had DD preapprove. I'd started on a separate piece of linen I intended to tack over the top of the pocket with designs similar to those on her dress ... but I got about 1/2 done and just did NOT like it. Plan B - what DD had suggested as an alternative - something like petals in relief. Because by then I had to have the shirt back to her the next day. I actually brought it home again to start over, and stitched it over-night - again stitching only on the top layer of the folded pocket hem. I intended to add an additional row of satin stitching to that area to the left to balance the design and weight of color, but she called to say a friend was nearby and going to pick up the shirt several hours before I was told she needed it back. Yikes. Which mean a RUSH job on the bit I still had left when I'd crumpled over sound asleep, shirt in former lap and needle still in hand.

Just got back from Florida from my daughter's almost perfect beach wedding in Ft. Walton Beach, Florida. The weather was perfect, if breezy. The bride was radiant and so very happy. She had waited a very long time for that day. The groom became so emotional he could barely read his lovely tribute and vows. I didn't flub my "who gives this bride away?" line, nor did I drop the flowers that were unexpectedly thrust in my hands. The sun was low over the Gulf of Mexico, suspended it's descent a few moments to allow photos to be taken, then went down on cue leaving a warm afterglow of both light and emotion.
The wedding party was small and mostly family. His live in that area. Bride and groom made the 12 hour drive from DFW, and bridge Mom flew in for a couple of nights. They stayed on a very nice condo on the beach. We all met at the condo, then walked out for the wedding. Onlooker peered from balconies and beach goers politely kept their distance. Afterward one family walked up to congratulate the couple and offer to take a group photo. Although very informal, my DD spent weeks getting everything ready. I kept asking what I could do to help, and finally she asked me to embroider something on her while sundress and groom's shirt. Yikes. I haven't embroidered in years and even after she delivered the dress to me in early September, it took days for me to get up the nerve to actually stitch on it. What I had planned for groom's pocket did not work, so DD suggested something and I stayed up all night the day before the left to stitch it. Not exactly what I wanted, but okay with them.
However, the weather was perfect, and the sun went down between them on cue. The bride was beautiful. The groom was besotted with love. It was a small ceremony with only family and her college roommate and child in attendance, however I noted several people on balconies watching as well as some people further down the beach. In fact one family came up applauding and to give their congratulations. Then the husband asked if we would like him to take a photo of the entire wedding party. Everybody was smiles, and by then the "minister" had wisely ducked out to make "another engagement."
Groom's sister and niece prepared far too much food for the small reception back in the condo, then plans to go out to party were scrapped and everyone went to bed before 9 ... BECAUSE ...
Earlier that day we'd been looking at the local sights, including the fishing and tourist docks. My sister's DH and imminent Son-in-Law decided on the spur of the moment that we should all go deep sea fishing the next morning. I've never been fishing, and DEEP SEA fishing was never on my list of top couple of million things to do in life. But it was either sit alone for 8 hours in the condo waiting to be taken to the airport, or tag along (despite the fact I was swigging Pepto Bismol before I even left home) and taking even a short ride on ANY boat was way against my better judgment. So the 5 of us were all up before 6am, my not-even-married-12-hours DD fixed a quick breakfast (of which I wisely only nibbled), and we were roared away from the dock at 8am for a 6-hour fishing trip to a secret spot somewhere 12 miles off-shore. I've been on cruises before with no problem, and the trip out and back didn't bother me but even large party boat endlessly rocking and rolling ... So was DD. It also played total havoc with my already iffy sense of balance to the point it was all I could do to stand, and sat as much as possible. But the weather was nice and not too warm, The Gulf apparently pretty calm (surely they were kidding!), and I fished for the first and last time, actually catching 3 fish - one that was under size and another much smaller one keepable, but with filets probably smaller than a fish stick. Mostly, however, we baited double-hooked lines then fed 95% of the bait to waiting fish and dolphins, who I swear heard the boat and wheeeed "Lunch is here," - then giggled when we reeled up heavy but empty hooks. It was not a good fishing day. I wasn't aware of how much all that rocking and rolling affected my balance until I took a quick shower before we left for airport - and almost fell over sideways. Less than 3 hours after getting off boat, I was on plane flying home. It took 2 days before my floor quit rolling and my TV and computer screen to cease rocking.
My DD and new SIL stayed another week for their honeymoon. Now they get a second opportunity at the wedding of their dreams when they repeat their vows in my parents' back yard on October 10th for a much larger group of family and friends that could not make it to Florida. Crossing fingers the weather is just as perfect, and that this time new Husband can sing the words he'd intended to before he was too overcome with emotion to do much more than whisper them.