Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Hope all had a wonderful Christmas and holiday!
Saturday - long choir practice ...
Well, I'll be ... Oscar, the stray Russian blue but with orange eyes, or perhaps a French Chartreux? Big solid (color and build) blue grey tomcat with a tiny mew. He just walked over the dresser and on to my desk! That's a surprise! He's now laying atop by dresser! He comes and goes at will, but only once before has he ever stuck his head into my office! Nice, calm cat who hisses at the strangest times - more like he's announcing himself rather or making sure I'm following than as a warning. Suspect he wants me to feed him canned food. I'm hoping he'll dispatch a couple of mice or rats that I haven't been able to trap. I set them. They manage to set them off without succumbing. With the possibility of unintended exposure I don't want to set out poison and risk making him sick!
Ok, back to Saturday. 3-hour choir practice. Received some goodies - I couldn't eat but that's okay. I left them at my DD's on Christmas. It was my birthday, so I stopped by Kroger and got Banquet Fried Chicken dinner (I rarely eat fried chicken, but I'd forgotten to thaw the chicken thighs in my freezer), but more importantly - coffee ice cream - my nemesis. The phone was ringing when I walked in the door, followed by a series of Happy Birthday phone calls one right after the other, including one from my Dad. First time I've talked with him since September. My cell phone, having taken a fatal swim in Henna's water bowl, meant I haven't had long distance for several weeks. The ice cream was only partially melted by the time I finally found where I'd set it when I walked inside then talked on the phone. Sunday the Cantata at church. We have an 8-member choir, if everyone is there - and they were for a change. Went very well. One of the tenors set an old cassette recorder behind the guys and recorded it then handed us each a CD on Christmas Eve. Sunday the cantata. Christmas Eve: scripture/hymns/and communion Service at 5. We have 2 other congregations currently "nesting" in our facilities, and we took the earliest of the services. Was home by 6:20.
As her gift to the family, my daughter made an absolutely delicious gourmet Christmas dinner (she loves to cook) with standing rib roast cut in almost 1" slices! Roasted potatoes with herbs, roasted brussels sprouts via Ina Garten. Haricot vert. Wilted spinach with some sort of funky Italian cheese melted in them. Pear slices covered with another cheese with "provence herbe" wrapped in thick bacon. For desert a 3-1/2" tall, thick slice of NY cheesecake. And this was served AFTER all those appetizers. My sister gave me a Kroger gift card (VERY MUCH appreciated). I gave DD her annual art or destination calendar - something I've been doing since she was in elementary school. This theme was photos from Italy.
Last Christmas all I got was a small Kroger's gift card. This year: my BFF decided to send $$ to pay for the 32" TV I'd bought but was going to have to return since other unexpected expenses hit. Whoa! She sent cash inserted in a card rather than a check I probably would not have cashed. I decided wiser to keep the cash than return it via regular US mail. Besides, she was so excited because the idea came to do that rather than send me something tangible. (TV is still in the box following delivery after Cyber Monday - still need to figure out a place to put it - living room or bedroom. It's replacing either the 13" or 24" TV, both of which are at least 15 years old.) Received a check from Dad. AND my daughter added me to their Sprint Family Plan and gave me a Samsung Galaxy S3, which had replaced with an S5. The drawback is that I don't have wi-fi at home and would need to get some sort of bundle which includes it. I was sort of hoping the neighbor's wi-fi might bleed over, but no. At home I'm limited to talk/text. Which is just fine. I'm REALLY liking a device with a keyboard!
No plans for New Year's. Traditionally I sleep through it. :D
Can't believe Oscar has lain on the dresser the time it took to write this, but is now on the move. Guess I'd better feed him.
Saturday - long choir practice ...
Well, I'll be ... Oscar, the stray Russian blue but with orange eyes, or perhaps a French Chartreux? Big solid (color and build) blue grey tomcat with a tiny mew. He just walked over the dresser and on to my desk! That's a surprise! He's now laying atop by dresser! He comes and goes at will, but only once before has he ever stuck his head into my office! Nice, calm cat who hisses at the strangest times - more like he's announcing himself rather or making sure I'm following than as a warning. Suspect he wants me to feed him canned food. I'm hoping he'll dispatch a couple of mice or rats that I haven't been able to trap. I set them. They manage to set them off without succumbing. With the possibility of unintended exposure I don't want to set out poison and risk making him sick!
Ok, back to Saturday. 3-hour choir practice. Received some goodies - I couldn't eat but that's okay. I left them at my DD's on Christmas. It was my birthday, so I stopped by Kroger and got Banquet Fried Chicken dinner (I rarely eat fried chicken, but I'd forgotten to thaw the chicken thighs in my freezer), but more importantly - coffee ice cream - my nemesis. The phone was ringing when I walked in the door, followed by a series of Happy Birthday phone calls one right after the other, including one from my Dad. First time I've talked with him since September. My cell phone, having taken a fatal swim in Henna's water bowl, meant I haven't had long distance for several weeks. The ice cream was only partially melted by the time I finally found where I'd set it when I walked inside then talked on the phone. Sunday the Cantata at church. We have an 8-member choir, if everyone is there - and they were for a change. Went very well. One of the tenors set an old cassette recorder behind the guys and recorded it then handed us each a CD on Christmas Eve. Sunday the cantata. Christmas Eve: scripture/hymns/and communion Service at 5. We have 2 other congregations currently "nesting" in our facilities, and we took the earliest of the services. Was home by 6:20.
As her gift to the family, my daughter made an absolutely delicious gourmet Christmas dinner (she loves to cook) with standing rib roast cut in almost 1" slices! Roasted potatoes with herbs, roasted brussels sprouts via Ina Garten. Haricot vert. Wilted spinach with some sort of funky Italian cheese melted in them. Pear slices covered with another cheese with "provence herbe" wrapped in thick bacon. For desert a 3-1/2" tall, thick slice of NY cheesecake. And this was served AFTER all those appetizers. My sister gave me a Kroger gift card (VERY MUCH appreciated). I gave DD her annual art or destination calendar - something I've been doing since she was in elementary school. This theme was photos from Italy.
Last Christmas all I got was a small Kroger's gift card. This year: my BFF decided to send $$ to pay for the 32" TV I'd bought but was going to have to return since other unexpected expenses hit. Whoa! She sent cash inserted in a card rather than a check I probably would not have cashed. I decided wiser to keep the cash than return it via regular US mail. Besides, she was so excited because the idea came to do that rather than send me something tangible. (TV is still in the box following delivery after Cyber Monday - still need to figure out a place to put it - living room or bedroom. It's replacing either the 13" or 24" TV, both of which are at least 15 years old.) Received a check from Dad. AND my daughter added me to their Sprint Family Plan and gave me a Samsung Galaxy S3, which had replaced with an S5. The drawback is that I don't have wi-fi at home and would need to get some sort of bundle which includes it. I was sort of hoping the neighbor's wi-fi might bleed over, but no. At home I'm limited to talk/text. Which is just fine. I'm REALLY liking a device with a keyboard!
No plans for New Year's. Traditionally I sleep through it. :D
Can't believe Oscar has lain on the dresser the time it took to write this, but is now on the move. Guess I'd better feed him.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Christmas Hoop Freebie
From Coats and Cross Stitcher Magazine And check out the other Weekend Freebies and links listed!
Friday, December 12, 2014
12 Days of Christmas and Other Freebies
Twelve Days of Christmas: Hope you've enjoyed these freebies and drawings from these companies!
From Cross Stitch Collection and Cross Stitcher Magazine. In conjunction with each other, a New surprise every day and only available for 24 hours - until 2pm the next day. You'll want to visit every day between now and Christmas! [Except for Day 1the freebies and give-aways have been the same.]
Be sure to visit the "Free" sections of the above for other Christmas and a variety of freebies and links. Example:
From Cross Stitch Collection and Cross Stitcher Magazine. In conjunction with each other, a New surprise every day and only available for 24 hours - until 2pm the next day. You'll want to visit every day between now and Christmas! [Except for Day 1the freebies and give-aways have been the same.]
- Day 1 (December 12th) : From Cross Stitch collection: Christmas Carol - a Victorian Village with carolers! 104H x 192w - must d/l by 2 P.M. December 15th (not sure which time zone so don't wait!) From Cross Stitcher Magazine: Reindeer Cushion - all of Santa's reindeer including Rudolf by Kate Mawdsley; individual designs suitable for smaller projects - d/l by the 15th
- Day 2 (December 13th) - sign up today to win an Embeliss bracelet kit. Second place is button covers. Sign ups end 1pm December 14th
- Day 3 (December 14th) - enter contest for Ultimate Christmas Cross Stitch Collection
- Day 4 (December 15th) - Seasons Tweetings - 4 card/ornie designs and 3 gift tags
- Day 5 (December 16th) - enter 24-hour contest for a fabric voucher from Willow Fabrics
- Day 6 (December 17th) - sign up for chance at one of 20 copies of Storyland Cross Stitch from What Delilah Did
- Day 7 (December 18th) - Enter for Mr. & Mrs. Tooting Skating kits to give away
- Day 8 (December 19th) - register for Joan Elliot book book and fabric giveaway
- Day 9 (December 20th) - lovely dove ornament charts to download
- Day 10 (December 21st) - register for one of 10 give-away copies of The Ultimate Alphabets Cross Stitch Collection
- Day 11 (December 22nd) - sign up to win a colorful cross stitch shoulder bag
- Day 12 (December 23rd) - download two floral Thank You cards to stitch
Be sure to visit the "Free" sections of the above for other Christmas and a variety of freebies and links. Example:
- DMC Freebie: Christmas Robin - you may have to sign up to get access, but they have some really nice freebies
- Cute, Kitchy Christmas Animal smalls with cardmounts to print out (to be honest - that takes a lot of expensive colored printer ink - I'd more likely use a small print Christmas paper design, cut it to wrap around or paste on to a suitable sized backing of 64 pound printer paper and/or or stick one in one of those blank folding cards - but each stitcher her own); Small, quick to stitch.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Long Time - No Post
Stoney Creek has a free Christmas banner leaflet, but the shipping is almost $4.
Don't forget all those links on my Freebies page. It hasn't been updated in quite a while, but many of those individuals and companies offer new freebies on a regular basis.
As for me, continued utter to extreme frustration with many issues in my life, most of which I can do nothing about, explains the absence. Family and health issues primarily. You definitely do NOT want to read a continuing barrage of the whys and wherefores. Just to say my errant belief in a "close family ties myth bubble" has totally burst. I'm past ready to call it quits and move to parts unknown.
I've done very little stitching. Constant tingling carpel tunnel (or something else) and my eyes have gotten so bad it's just something I find more frustrating than ever as well. I have glaucoma, cataracts and mild diabetic retinopathy. I've put off cataract surgery for years because of even other eye issues. Most recently is that even WITH my glasses at times I flat can't focus, and my ability to focus between not-at-all and amazingly well even using only the far vision portion of my trifocals .... the result of one of the eye drops I use for glaucoma. I'm going to get a second opinion before I do anything. At my latest specialist visit I took some exception when I expressed concern about the focus of any lens they might PERMANENTLY insert being the wrong one when my long-time glaucoma specialist actually chuckled and said "that's why they make glasses." Wait a minute!! I was under the impression that with the right lens I would only have to use reading glasses, but that's NOT what he meant, because I asked. Further, because the drops I use cause my focus to change (get MUCH better for a short period of time) at least I can take my glasses off during that time and still see better than when I need to wear them. With permanent lens, I couldn't even do that and my vision would be completely kaput until the effect wore off a few hours later, during which all I could do would be sleep or sit doing pretty much nothing. That's not IMPROVING my vision and absolutely something I intend to put up with! And because I have glaucoma, the surgery is going to be more complex and the risks higher. Great, I have a good chance of going blind as it is from one or more of the other issues, and cataract surgery might just hasten that reality?
But to end on a positive note, I've just sung another duet with our church choir director (OUR own SA arrangement of Dotti Rambo's "Behold the Lamb"), and will sing a special version of Silent Night on Christmas Eve as well. I'll get to see it for the first time Wednesday evening and look forward to it. I find that despite the nerves, since I've never sung duets before I'm actually enjoying it. I've ALWAYS enjoyed singing. She keeps saying how well my voice blends with hers. It's just been that have been several very long intervals between the opportunities to do so. Now if I could only remember the words and notes without having to glance down at the music. :D Funny, in my youth I could sing something with the sheet music thru just a couple of times and have it memorized. Definitely NOT in my dotage.
BTW, here in the DFW area we got a dusting of snow Sunday evening.
Stoney Creek has a free Christmas banner leaflet, but the shipping is almost $4.
Don't forget all those links on my Freebies page. It hasn't been updated in quite a while, but many of those individuals and companies offer new freebies on a regular basis.
As for me, continued utter to extreme frustration with many issues in my life, most of which I can do nothing about, explains the absence. Family and health issues primarily. You definitely do NOT want to read a continuing barrage of the whys and wherefores. Just to say my errant belief in a "close family ties myth bubble" has totally burst. I'm past ready to call it quits and move to parts unknown.
I've done very little stitching. Constant tingling carpel tunnel (or something else) and my eyes have gotten so bad it's just something I find more frustrating than ever as well. I have glaucoma, cataracts and mild diabetic retinopathy. I've put off cataract surgery for years because of even other eye issues. Most recently is that even WITH my glasses at times I flat can't focus, and my ability to focus between not-at-all and amazingly well even using only the far vision portion of my trifocals .... the result of one of the eye drops I use for glaucoma. I'm going to get a second opinion before I do anything. At my latest specialist visit I took some exception when I expressed concern about the focus of any lens they might PERMANENTLY insert being the wrong one when my long-time glaucoma specialist actually chuckled and said "that's why they make glasses." Wait a minute!! I was under the impression that with the right lens I would only have to use reading glasses, but that's NOT what he meant, because I asked. Further, because the drops I use cause my focus to change (get MUCH better for a short period of time) at least I can take my glasses off during that time and still see better than when I need to wear them. With permanent lens, I couldn't even do that and my vision would be completely kaput until the effect wore off a few hours later, during which all I could do would be sleep or sit doing pretty much nothing. That's not IMPROVING my vision and absolutely something I intend to put up with! And because I have glaucoma, the surgery is going to be more complex and the risks higher. Great, I have a good chance of going blind as it is from one or more of the other issues, and cataract surgery might just hasten that reality?
But to end on a positive note, I've just sung another duet with our church choir director (OUR own SA arrangement of Dotti Rambo's "Behold the Lamb"), and will sing a special version of Silent Night on Christmas Eve as well. I'll get to see it for the first time Wednesday evening and look forward to it. I find that despite the nerves, since I've never sung duets before I'm actually enjoying it. I've ALWAYS enjoyed singing. She keeps saying how well my voice blends with hers. It's just been that have been several very long intervals between the opportunities to do so. Now if I could only remember the words and notes without having to glance down at the music. :D Funny, in my youth I could sing something with the sheet music thru just a couple of times and have it memorized. Definitely NOT in my dotage.
BTW, here in the DFW area we got a dusting of snow Sunday evening.
Friday, August 22, 2014
New from Frimousse, Update on Dad
Beaded biscornu
More Elves
After recuperating at my sister's house for a week, he's now recovered sufficiently to move back into his independent living center apartment tomorrow. Because my sister persuaded him to move several times closer to her and 10 times further from me, I doubt I'll see him that often. As it is, my very presence irritates him after a few minutes. It always has.
More Elves
After recuperating at my sister's house for a week, he's now recovered sufficiently to move back into his independent living center apartment tomorrow. Because my sister persuaded him to move several times closer to her and 10 times further from me, I doubt I'll see him that often. As it is, my very presence irritates him after a few minutes. It always has.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Dad had a Major heart attack Monday!
He waited EIGHT hours to call my sister, by which time he was in severe pain. Because of other medical issues they found in the ER, the angioplasty/catheterization had to waint until Wednesday. 2 fully blocked arteries (one however had happened so long ago that it had healed itself by growing it's own by-pass - the other required a stint. The not-quite-as-badly blocked artery will be treated with medications for several months. He was released this afternoon and is styaing with my sister - probably only 3 or 4 days. He's ready to get back to the retirement center he moved into a month ago - but says now he hates. We're having to get blunt about him just having to get used to it. "NO, DAD, they will not change their behavior or routines, even if those conflict the published Rules, to accomodate you. AND understand if you decide to move, those people won't either." He didn't take that kindly, but it's the reality. He's never had many friends, he's not particularly social, and he's almost always gotten his way. It's going to be a tough adjustment. Maybe some of his fellow "inmates" will feel some sympathy but I suspect he's just as much or more likely to instead hear, in detail, all their own medical maladies. We understand he was included in several prayer chains at several church as a result of my Son-In-Law giving people he know a call.
Friday, August 8, 2014
There Must be a Lesson in All This
The last 24 hours:
1:15 this
morning. I thought there might be an
intruder in the house - rapid swinging of clothing on hangers at the FAR end of
the hallway hanging on the frame of my bedroom door as if someone had just
rushed past them - between me and the
phone and my purse. Which abruptly stopped, as if someone had stopped them.
Only weapon in sight: pair of Fiskar's scissors with 4" blade. Maybe not. Went out the front door and headed to neighbors for flashlight so I could do a
perimeter sweep to see if it looked like someone had broken in. No flashlight,
and my neighbor, who happened to be on his patio for a smoke in the dark
first suggested then all but insisted I call the police. Actually HE did that as I
walked up the street to see if I could spot anyone coming OUT a window. KUDOS
to the officers, 2 of which arrived within a couple of minutes. The third while
we were inside. Nothing. They were here and gone within 10 or 12 minutes. Of
course I was awake the rest of the night
trying to figure out what had happened. I looked every where again, even for a
bird that might have gotten trapped inside - a BIG trapped bird. And trying to
replicate the movement of my clothes, with no real success. For a while I even considered
a ghost REALLY trying to get my attention. It made as much sense as anything
else. I finally got to sleep about noon.
I was on the computer about 5:30p
when I heard my office and closet doors bump. I got up to check it out
expecting to finally see where Oscar, the feral who sometimes comes inside to
eat Henna's food, was hiding. I'd heard noises from the closet and around
the boxes next to my filing cabinet for some time and actually thought it might be him. Thus, I moved a door to look behind it and out of
the corner of my eye spotted a movement just in time to jump back and avoid
being struck by ... a SNAKE! First thing first. Did it have a triangular-shaped head? Hmmm. Maybe not. Not sure. I stayed
out of strike range and tried to drop first a cardboard box on top, then a
bigger plastic box. It tired to bite me a second time then turned tail and
quickly slithered off. I called 911 AGAIN. Two more officers arrived, this time
in about 10 minutes and several minutes later Animal Control. Once they saw my
cluttered office I leaned I had no idea where it currently was, I was told that
it wasn't their duty to move stuff and HUNT for the snake, but if I could catch
it and/or knew exactly where it was, to call t hem back. If I caught it, I
could call animal control at 6 a.m.
They were nice.I admit I was depressed. Then I realized what I thought had been
the rat moving around was PROBABLY that snake trying to catch the rat for
dinner. The A/C lady named several snakes it might be, but she'd guess a rat
snake. I was confused because the LAST rat snake I had to have removed from the
house was much MUCH bigger and fatter, and looked more like a rattle snake than
a color dark color. I did recall as she was leaving that this much
"smaller" one was just as aggressive and didn't have a rattle.
Now I was depressed. I just had to have a hole in my roof
caused by raccoons fixed. I called my raccoon guy. When he called back he
quoted their snake trapping price. Ok, anything *I* can do? Yes. Rat-size glue
traps. The snake tries to slither across, gets stuck and in trying to get
unstuck gets more and more stuck.
As soon as he hung up I went to Walmart and got glue traps.
I listened carefully when I came back in my office to see if I could tell where
Ricardo was (yes, at the suggestion of Officer Perez (#6) and Officer Snow (#7)
I named it. As I was laying the glue traps where I thought it might pass I
heard movement at the end of the closet. I backed away. I saw the end of a tail
disappearing over the top shelf of that closet. Call #3 to 911. I wasn't about
to lose sight of it and stood there. After about 25 minutes I thought I head it
moving somewhere else and called 911 again to cancel the call. But the officers
were on their way. So I had to again explain about 2 previous visits same day,
and said I wasn't sure the snake was still in the same place. One shined his
flashlight at the far corner or the top shelf. Two eyes reflected back. And so
proceeded their attempt to find out if anyone from A/C would come out. After
waiting quite a while for a return call, they called back. Apparently not. As
it turned out, one of them liked to attend the Rattlesnake Round-Up in West
Texas. His only issue was how to catch it without getting bit in
the face. He was really wishing he had one of this snake-catcher neck grabbing
things in his Patrol Car (he's said he's going to start carrying one). I
suggested maybe use the glue traps in some way. So between the 2 of them and my
suggestions of what I on had, it was decided he'd attach one of those Rat-Size
glue traps to a yard stake they spotted outside behind my bench, or better yet
the of a broom WITH the stake, lower it
gently on top of the snake or whatever part he could contact as it tried to get
away, then decide what to do next. Glue trap attached to bristles on broom with
a ball of handy duct tape, all of which stuck nicely to snake, along with some
Christmas ornaments Ricardo came in contact with as he tried to escape. Ricardo
wrapped himself around the closet rod, ornaments dangling along with him. I'd
set a nice-size plastic bin with another glue trap in the bottom. Instead
Office Perez managed to losent it's grip on the rod, drape it over the end of
the broom and rushed outside with it's head and tail dangling free. He stepped
on the head (thinking he was going to kill it I took my big iron T-bar out so
it could be dispatched quickly. Instead he managed to get the glue traps
unstuck from snake, then kicked it with his boot into the ground cover at the
edge of my garage, where it immediately disappeared. He'd already told me that the tail-end of the
snake had been injured at some point in the past.. They'd quickly determined it
was a long but skinny (HUNGRY) rat snake, so I was greatly relieved it was out
of my house and very happy it would live to eat another rat another day. I
finally thought to take a picture of it being "rescued" and released.
And of the officers, who were so kind and had a call where life and property,
for once, were not at stake. KUDOS and a Big THANK YOU to each officer who has
been here in the past 24 hours!
Now, since it didn't look like the snake had eaten the
rat, I still have to trap the dern thing. So far it's Rat 2 / Empty Sprung Trap 0.
And I really should eat that Jumbo Jack I stopped for on the
way home from Walmart about 4 hours ago.
-- A couple of pictures to follow - maybe.
Sorry for repeated words and typos. I'm a zombie by now.
UPDATE THIS VERY SECOND. I thought I was hearing something, stopped listened, nothing. I just heard a soft bump and something gnawing around my dresser! ANOTHER RAT??? NOOOOOO!! How are they getting in??? Now I have to go buy ANOTHER rat trap - or two.

Sorry for repeated words and typos. I'm a zombie by now.
UPDATE THIS VERY SECOND. I thought I was hearing something, stopped listened, nothing. I just heard a soft bump and something gnawing around my dresser! ANOTHER RAT??? NOOOOOO!! How are they getting in??? Now I have to go buy ANOTHER rat trap - or two.

Monday, July 28, 2014
Christmas Freebie Links
A big THANK YOU to Honeybee on the Message Board for posting these links! And to Pinwheel for creating the clickable links! Not new designs, but some I'm not familiar with:
- - this site has a plethora of categorized freebies
Saturday, July 26, 2014
New Prairie Schoolers / JCS DVDs
New: Prairie
Updated: Not listed in the PS Inventory quite yet nor as the latest designs, but you can direct link to the booklets and Annual Santa.
Miss Fortune - 97h x 75w - a witch
holding a crystal ball with "13" inside it. What's with all the 13's?
(The 2 Halloween minicards I stitched I reversed the numbers to 31.) (Not sure of direct link)
Annual Santa - 75h x 56w - a caroling Santa singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" (Thanks Pam and Nancy!)
Freebie: Frolicking Santa with bag and tree
New: Just Cross Stitch Christmas Ornaments 1997-2013 DVD
In addition to Just Cross Stitch's 2 DVDs of each and every page of it's back issues from 1997 through 2010, fully searchable, including the Ornament issues, Just Cross Stitch has just issued a Christmas Ornaments 1997-2013 DVD with 1000+ patterns, fully searchable PDFs and printer-friendly charts. Check around for the best prices. And be sure to make at least 1 back-up copy, preferably not to USB, or to both a DVD and a USB. You never know what's NOT going to work when you really need it.
(I give up trying to fix the formatting - grrrrr! )
Updated: Not listed in the PS Inventory quite yet nor as the latest designs, but you can direct link to the booklets and Annual Santa.
Annual Santa - 75h x 56w - a caroling Santa singing "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" (Thanks Pam and Nancy!)
Freebie: Frolicking Santa with bag and tree
New: Just Cross Stitch Christmas Ornaments 1997-2013 DVD
In addition to Just Cross Stitch's 2 DVDs of each and every page of it's back issues from 1997 through 2010, fully searchable, including the Ornament issues, Just Cross Stitch has just issued a Christmas Ornaments 1997-2013 DVD with 1000+ patterns, fully searchable PDFs and printer-friendly charts. Check around for the best prices. And be sure to make at least 1 back-up copy, preferably not to USB, or to both a DVD and a USB. You never know what's NOT going to work when you really need it.
(I give up trying to fix the formatting - grrrrr! )
Lesley Teare's Blog and other Freebies!
If you haven't found her already, check out Lesley Teare's Blog with her beautiful designs and dozens of freebies!!
Also check out the newest freebies from The Cross Stitch Collection!
New CEC freebie: Frosty Kiss snow man
Also check out the newest freebies from The Cross Stitch Collection!
New CEC freebie: Frosty Kiss snow man
Monday, June 23, 2014
Pam Kellogg Flowers and Insects Freebie
Tea Towel Borders
For Charles Craft White 14-count Aida Banded Huck Towels, 15”x25”
For Charles Craft White 14-count Aida Banded Huck Towels, 15”x25”
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
More Prairie Schooler Stitching
Where There Are Bees
Prairie Schooler Bk 194
Fabric: 16ct White Aida
Size: 2-7/8" x 2-15/16"
Floss: DMC as charted - 2 strands
Stitching Competed: April 2014
(The scanned and digitized colors are MUCH brighter than the rather subdued
pallet this chart and Rabbit Run both call for)
Prairie Schooler MiniCard Pack E
Fabric: 16ct White Aida
Sizes: 2" x 2-1/2" and 1-3/4" x 2-3/4"
Sizes: 2" x 2-1/2" and 1-3/4" x 2-3/4"
Floss: DMC 3371 and a brighter orange than charted
Stitching Completed March 2014
Actually, Halloween stitching is something I don't particularly care f or, so these are for my Daughter. Last year she added a new tree to her 12+ decorated Christmas Tree ensemble: It's Orange, which she decorated with hot pink and black ornaments. I figure she can add these Halloween Ornies to the black ones for Halloween, which she loves to decorate for as well. Not my style but it suits her. :D In addition to a traditional Christmas Tree, she has a Shoe Tree, a Santa Clause Tree, a tree with red ornies, a tree with mostly blue ornies, her largest tree is in white with white, clear, crystal or silver ornaments. etc. After a couple of decades she removed all the 1" or 1-1/2: cross stitched ornies I made for her dorm room a couple of decards ago. She's replaced them with little snowmen. Must admit that after she left home, I don't specifically decorate for Christmas, which is why she has all the clear and crystal like ornies. :D
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Current WIP and A Finish
Deer in Trees
Permin Freebie
Fabric: 18-Ct White Aida
Size: 30w x 40h (1-11/16" x 2-1/4")
Floss: DMC as charted / 1 strand
Prairie Schooler - Bk 164 - OCTOBER
Fabric: 16ct White Aida
Size: 4-7/8" x 5"
Floss: DMC as charted / 2 strands
Stitching Complete: May, 2014
So far every time I scan PS Rabbit Run and Where There are Bees, my scanner automatically converts them into a .pdf document instead of a .jpg even though I've changed those settings several times. Any ideas? I've got a Cannon MX452. Thanks!
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
New Freebie Links
Rather than create a new post each time, I've just been adding additional freebies to the one originally the end of May.
Newest Permin Freebie - Lovely small bouquet for card insert. (44wx46h) When I visit that site the first time I go there I get an error message, but when I click on the reload icon, it goes to the correct link The deer in forest freebie from a few weeks ago is no longer available, but I am currently stitching it. When I get the scanner firgured out, I'll post a pic - along with several other projects I've completed this spring.
Stitch Along Sampler - from Blackbird Designs; Description on May 1st entry; Chart linked linked on the 4th entry. Click on "Here." Thread suggestions on following entries.
GARDEN STAR - from Cross-Eyed Cricket
Viola's Garden - a wide variety of freebies for novice to experienced stitchers.
Newest Permin Freebie - Lovely small bouquet for card insert. (44wx46h) When I visit that site the first time I go there I get an error message, but when I click on the reload icon, it goes to the correct link The deer in forest freebie from a few weeks ago is no longer available, but I am currently stitching it. When I get the scanner firgured out, I'll post a pic - along with several other projects I've completed this spring.
Stitch Along Sampler - from Blackbird Designs; Description on May 1st entry; Chart linked linked on the 4th entry. Click on "Here." Thread suggestions on following entries.
GARDEN STAR - from Cross-Eyed Cricket
Viola's Garden - a wide variety of freebies for novice to experienced stitchers.
Monday, April 14, 2014
More Spring Freebies
The Way to Happiness - BY Les Marottes de Nathalie - A Norman Vincent Peale quote - in French, English, Spanish, German AND Italian - I think a former mystery SAL. Download the English or other version in 5 separate parts. (90w x 254h - if her count is correct, the dimensions are off a bit - 16ct would be 5.63 x 15.9") Copy the picture, key and thread colors, then paste into Word, etc. DMC equivalent listed. Very Nice. Also see her her other Grilles Gratuities and her Jardin Prive' designs and products.
Ces't Le Printemps - by Madame La Fee - Heart with Bees and Flowers de Cerisier - by Madame La Fee - Cherry blossom. Looks like it would make a lovely hand towel insert.
Check out the other freebies at Look for "Free Chart" in left column.
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Miscellaneous Freebies
Kitties Will Puke ... True if a bit disgusting project.
DMC Threads - Related DMC blog with 2 new freebies and some cute spring ideas
Plum Pudding Design freebies
Which gives me the opportunity to relate that I had the happy privilege of meeting Connie from Reflections Gallery in Omaha, who model stitches for Plum Pudding, last week when she made a trip to Texas to visit family. We'd emailed and planned to meet at Stitch Niche, shop and have some lunch. Well, it happened to be a busy Wednesday morning, Kathy had several customers come in who needed personal assistance, so Connie just stepped in with her best needleworker attitude, helped a stitcher select threads for a new project, then assisted a couple who dropped in to "just look around" find what they were looking for .. and then some! :D I've already finished the Prairie Schooler "Where the Bees Are" and one of the smaller designs, so decided to Add "Rabbit Run" to my sudden need to CROSS STITCH! It was rather amusing seeing Connie, here on a vacation, step in and go right back to work. She's VERY knowledgeable and a wonderful lady. After spending a lot more time there than anticipated, we headed to El Chico to give her a Tex-Mex fix *both ordering sour cream chicken enchiladas, me substituting another bean for the rice and her substituting another rice for the beans. That gave us a chuckle, had a long conversation and discovered we have so much more in common as well, and she insisted on paying for us both. THANK YOU AGAIN, CONNIE!!. Wonderful visit, but what else would one expect meeting a fellow cross-stitcher! Really hope we can meet up again in the future. When I can figure out why my scanner insists on saving to .pdf instead of .jpg. I'll post some pics of my recent projects!
DMC Threads - Related DMC blog with 2 new freebies and some cute spring ideas
Plum Pudding Design freebies
Which gives me the opportunity to relate that I had the happy privilege of meeting Connie from Reflections Gallery in Omaha, who model stitches for Plum Pudding, last week when she made a trip to Texas to visit family. We'd emailed and planned to meet at Stitch Niche, shop and have some lunch. Well, it happened to be a busy Wednesday morning, Kathy had several customers come in who needed personal assistance, so Connie just stepped in with her best needleworker attitude, helped a stitcher select threads for a new project, then assisted a couple who dropped in to "just look around" find what they were looking for .. and then some! :D I've already finished the Prairie Schooler "Where the Bees Are" and one of the smaller designs, so decided to Add "Rabbit Run" to my sudden need to CROSS STITCH! It was rather amusing seeing Connie, here on a vacation, step in and go right back to work. She's VERY knowledgeable and a wonderful lady. After spending a lot more time there than anticipated, we headed to El Chico to give her a Tex-Mex fix *both ordering sour cream chicken enchiladas, me substituting another bean for the rice and her substituting another rice for the beans. That gave us a chuckle, had a long conversation and discovered we have so much more in common as well, and she insisted on paying for us both. THANK YOU AGAIN, CONNIE!!. Wonderful visit, but what else would one expect meeting a fellow cross-stitcher! Really hope we can meet up again in the future. When I can figure out why my scanner insists on saving to .pdf instead of .jpg. I'll post some pics of my recent projects!
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Cross Eyed Cricket Easter Freebie
Tisket-a-Tasket Egg
I've finished stitching the new Prairie Schooler Where There Are Bees (requires about 1-1/2 skeins of 3787) as well as the multi-motif smaller ornament, as well as two of the Halloween designs from the Mini-Card pack. As soon as I can figure out why my scanner keeps converting everything to a .pdf file rather than a .jpg, I'll upload pictures.
I've finished stitching the new Prairie Schooler Where There Are Bees (requires about 1-1/2 skeins of 3787) as well as the multi-motif smaller ornament, as well as two of the Halloween designs from the Mini-Card pack. As soon as I can figure out why my scanner keeps converting everything to a .pdf file rather than a .jpg, I'll upload pictures.
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
New: Brooke Nolan Series, Pam Kellogg & Others
Advent Animals- by Brooke Nolan - New Advent Series (43w x 52h)
And for Spring:
Happy Spring -The Snowflower Diaries - Easter Egg shape with flowery edges (69w x 72h)
Butterfly and Daisies Towel - By Pam Kellogg from Craft Ideas - really like this one! (155w x 40h)
I Love My Garden - By Mary Wright from Craft Ideas - also very nice (116w x 116h)
Spring Tulips - DMC - Not new but Springy
Wedding Sampler - DMC - new
Friday, February 7, 2014
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Newest Permin Freebie
Sorry, no longer available.
Small forest scene with tiny deer. (30w x 40h) If you get a Microsoft page error, just refresh. Hmmm. Would make a very nice scissors fob or card insert.
BTW, I owe a debt of gratitude for the stitchers on the 123 message board who are better at keeping up with the newest freebies than I am! Although I'm not updating my freebie's page very often any more, keep in mind that many of the sites change and update their freebies on a regular basis, so be sure to check back at that site from time to time. And please let me know if you run into a 404 page error message so I can either update or remove a link.
And if you have or know of a freebie design or site I've missed, let me know. I'm happy to include a link!
Small forest scene with tiny deer. (30w x 40h) If you get a Microsoft page error, just refresh. Hmmm. Would make a very nice scissors fob or card insert.
BTW, I owe a debt of gratitude for the stitchers on the 123 message board who are better at keeping up with the newest freebies than I am! Although I'm not updating my freebie's page very often any more, keep in mind that many of the sites change and update their freebies on a regular basis, so be sure to check back at that site from time to time. And please let me know if you run into a 404 page error message so I can either update or remove a link.
And if you have or know of a freebie design or site I've missed, let me know. I'm happy to include a link!
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Happy New Year to All
Almost a week late, but still sincerely meant. No stitching news since I still haven't stitched a thing. I didn't even manage to finish the Patriotic Santa ornaments I stitched during the spring for my sister. Hopefully by her birthday in July.
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