Deer in Trees
Permin Freebie
Fabric: 18-Ct White Aida
Size: 30w x 40h (1-11/16" x 2-1/4")
Floss: DMC as charted / 1 strand
Prairie Schooler - Bk 164 - OCTOBER
Fabric: 16ct White Aida
Size: 4-7/8" x 5"
Floss: DMC as charted / 2 strands
Stitching Complete: May, 2014
So far every time I scan PS Rabbit Run and Where There are Bees, my scanner automatically converts them into a .pdf document instead of a .jpg even though I've changed those settings several times. Any ideas? I've got a Cannon MX452. Thanks!
They are both beautiful. Sorry I can't help with the files changing.