Just a reminder that Wichelt and many of the other designers listed on the Freebie page put out new charts on a regular basis. Wichelt's July free graph is a patriotic bird house.
Had lunch with my Dad and sister at Jason's Deli on the anniversary of my Mother's death last week. From there I had to return last year's new printer to Frye's for repair or replacement. This makes 3 returned printers in 3 years! I intended to change brands (again) and thinking laser jet but instead came home with a newer model of returned Canon printer, in part because I had just recently replaced the expensive cartridge of black ink and could use it with this one, and in part because I was told it had a $50 rebate. But NOOOO! When I got home and had the opportunity to read the rebate slip, only available at check out, turns out one had to buy a refurbished something else AND the printer at the same time to get the rebate. Because the cost of last printer was just over what they could do an even swap for, they gave me a credit slip for whatever I wanted to get (NEW PRINTER!!) and allowed me to take out another extended warranty for $20. At this rate I've really only been paying for that extended warranty each return, plus maybe $5 or $10 more for each brand new printer. AND, I get new ink with each printer, the cost of which exceeds the cost of the printer, of course. I saved the new black cartridge for later.
What I really want is for my decade plus year old HPLaserJet6L to work again!! Which after many years of reliable printing -and well out of warranty - quit working, of course, right after I bought a new cartridge for it. : (
I can totally relate to your printer frustration! My ink was getting so expensive that I just bought a new printer because it was cheaper than buying ink!