of a couple of recent stitch finishes (the stitching is finished anyway), and my absolutely beautiful orchid, which surprised me earlier this spring by sending up a bloom shoot then bursting out in the most beautiful display of orchid colored phaelanopsis I have ever had the privilege to witness in my own window. The photos are still in my camera ... but soon. Knee is better. I haven't been back to doctor. After 4 or 5 weeks of staying off it I recently managed to get around the super Wal-Mart - slowly - and even for a while without favoring it - but it made itself known all to often and is still a problem. The only stitching I've done in the past month is on a small Kooler possum hanging from a branch. It says "playing possum." I'm going to replace that with "Hang in There," do a simple ornie finish then hang from the light above my bed. My thumbs continue to give me such a time that it's a few stitches and I'm asleep. Past couple of weeks I've spent a lot of time monitoring radar, Weather Channel, Wunderground, local news, etc. So far DFW has just been dern lucky to have dodged the bullets that have been focused on the south and Oklahoma, with such devastating results. My best to all those affected by the recent outbreaks of severe weather and tornadoes!
Oh, and I spent ANOTHER 2 hours on the phone with AT&T and Dell yesterday once again trying vainly to solve the problem with my DSL, which I've been paying for but haven't been able to use since January. It might be a software problem, like the ethernet driver. After 45 minutes the tech at AT&T said I'd have to call their ADVANCED Tech Support - at $115 minimum. Then sent me an email asking me to confirm my problem had been resolved. And while Dell has free driver downloads, apparently I'm going to have to PAY them to tell me which one is the one I need. Or it could be something else entirely, and even a new ethernet card might not work.
In the meantime, I finally learned that my house is cell phone dead zone. I've always had issues, but now it just won't work at all! I SOMETIMES can get a network connection standing in the middle of the driveway - for a couple of minutes then it goes dead. Even the fancy new loaner from T-Mobile wouldn't connect.
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