Sharing my life and love of cross stitch. Thoughts about this and that.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I've apparently lost ALL of my data, including my cross stitch designs not already uploaded. Don't ask why no backup!



Tuesday, January 26, 2010

"You're Special" Bookmark Freebie

I had forgotten I had this one for Valentine's as well. The first is 119w x29h. If that's slightly longer than you like, the second is slightly smaller at 111w x 29h. Chart correction on first: there's an extra x in the inner border directly below the letter "C".  Delete it. Please remember all downloads are subject to the Copyright information on the right. Please leave a comment if you do. Thanks! Be sure to set your printer to landscape to print the chart. Enjoy!

!! Happy Valentine's Day !!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Valentine Freebie

A bit of variation on a theme. I suggest using your favorite red or pink overdye!! Perhaps the outlines in red and the heart and cross stitch filling for the letters in a lighter shade or pink? On 14/28 or 16/32 counts the top design (59w x 39h) fits a 5x7 large needlework card with the rectangular opening. On 18/36 count it will fit the small  needlework card. The second design should fit those with oval openings - I think. If someone could let me know, I'd appreciate it. 

Happy Valentines Day!

PS: The url on the charts is no longer valid.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Will this ever be GONE???

Another week (week 3) and I'm still dealing with whatever virus got me! Rash from antibiotic allergy was so bad I had to get a steriod shot. It's not as red but it's 4 times as itchy!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Whining - Still Sick : [

Go throw more $$ at a doctor and pointless tests, or tough it out?? With laryngitis, I can't even call to make an appt. Sheesh!! This is RIDICULOUS!!

SUNDAY UPDATE: Went to urgent care clinic. I've got a touch of pneumonia.What's worse, is that the antibiotic prescribed for pre-dental ingestion that I never used and was stupidly desperate enough last night to take one of - has left me covered in an itchy red rash today. Good thing I only took one of them. For pre-dental stuff I was supposed to take all 4 of them at the same time. Can you spell E R ?

Friday, January 8, 2010

First Post of 2010

What does it portend when one lays down for a nap on New Year Eve feeling just fine and dandy, and wakes up 2 hours later with questionable voice, it goes downhill from there, and one is just plain sick for the entire first week of new year? I guess I'm going to find out. : [

Please don't touch your computer screen. All this coughing might just digitize and expose you.

Low temps in the teens last and next 2 nights. I'm really worried about all my wild raccoons!! Wish I had a heater in the garage and I'd leave that door open for them.